Yes, indeed, July 27
th approaches!
I got the final edit done to my chapbook (although it is quite long and may really be classified as a novella), approved the brilliant cover design, and am now waiting for the printers to ship me a copy.
I have to say that I'm really looking forward to seeing it. I hope people will enjoy the story - it's always difficult to judge your own work, so I have no idea whether the tale will bore, bemuse or exasperate people! Naturally I hope it will entertain and amuse them - amuse as in an engaging story, rather than humorous laugh-out-loud, because it's actually meant to be a horror story.
Anyway it's called
'The Other Side of the Mirror', and it will be available soon to the general public. I will also be launching my own website in the near future, which will have all the details about my book and the other
IDB chapbooks.